WWAD Mission:
Teaching safe scuba diving through…
Desire + Ability + Training = Goals Reached

Train in the open waters of Costa Rica
Located in the beautiful city of Puntarenas Golfito
Core Courses for Scuba Diving
E-Learning or Manual
Continuing Education for Divers
e-Learning or Manual
Professional Training
e-Learning or Manual
Empowering you to explore the depths of the beautiful ocean!
Ready To Plan Your Next Adventure?
Get In touch with us today!
James Timney:
Magic Jack: (412) 357 0187
WhatsApp: +506 8447-7457
jjtimney@woundedwarriorsatdepth.com or: Info@scubadivinggolfito.com
Oceans Unlimited-Golfito Dive Shop:
Magic Jack: (407) 374-7793
Costa Rica: (506) 2775-0062
WhatsApp: +506 8402-2222
Visit Us!
Wounded Warriors At Depth:
Oceans Unlimited- Golfito
Banana Bay Marina
Puntarenas Golfito
Costa Rica, 60701
+ (506) 8447-7457